The Corporation of business bosses throws a critical eye on the evolution of the country’s economy for some amelioration to be done by the powers that be.
In a press conference hell yesterday at the GECAM head office in Bonanjo Douala, Board chair President Celestin Tawambatalking on behalf of his peers, opened up that the economicsituation of the country was not at all in good health because of factors that he did not fail to enumerate.
No economy grows with unskilled workers. It will be very difficult for the Cameroon economy to grow when a great number of skilled workers are swept abroad. Mr Twamba took the example of the Canadian immigration that has swallowed 6000 Cameroonians from January to September 2024, not leaving out an earlier figure of 5000 that had left in 2022 and 15 000 in 2023. Taking into consideration that among them are 2000 teachers.
He decried the fact that some of this workers travel with a lot of money borrowed from the struggling enterprises. Difficult will it be to see a country’s economy grow healthy when it takes 100 million to train an engineer that is swept at a go by a foreigneconomy. It therefore becomes a difficult task for the companies to replace these absconded workers or to pay back the funds that they had borrowed before going.
Building up a business needs a land, but having a land in Cameroon is a serious problem as land tittles in Cameroon are never certain, they are either fake or disputed. “85% of cases in court are land cases” Present Tawamba said. With this, it is obvious that the economy cannot grow with enterprises that have problems in court.
Like a rosary he went on to enumerate the hindrances of economic growth in our beautiful country. It is an open secret that the roads in Cameroon are in a very deplorable state, this in turn has a very serious negative impact on the economy’s health, as all goods at one point or the other must go through transporting.
As everybody would know, the economy of every country is build up by the small and medium size enterprises. But sadly enough is it to notice that in our country, Cameroon, this sector of the economy is almost asphyxiated with too much taxes and excessive control coming from the government. President Celestain Tawamba did not fail to underline that, him and the board chair members of GECAM have bend their heads to make serious propositions to the government towards the reduction of taxes to the Small and Medium size Enterprises, for the betterment of the country’s economy. Not for getting the reduction of the excessive control coming from the councils.
However it was difficult for President Tawamba to finish his speech without throwing an eye on the economy of the extreme North of the country that has been seriously hit by resent flood that has swept away many peoples house and destroyed business units.
By Peter TAMBE