Cameroon’s health minister engaging collaboration with the Swiss government for the betterment of Cameroonian
The Swiss plenipotentiary and head of department Her Excellency Nathali Kohli in Cameroon this day October 30th2024 held talks with her Cameroonian counterpart the Minister of Public Health Dr Manaouda Malachi to discuss on cooperation between the two countries on how to train health personnel and the fight against cancer.
Coming to Cameroon for the first time, the diplomat did not hide her interest on health condition of the mother and child health condition during their discussion with the minister of Public Health. In their discus, the both had a critical look on the convention related to pandemic that are presently tabled at the World Health Organization WHO. In talks concerning the resolution, there are three different schools of thoughts standing out. Those who would wish that the resolutions be adopted immediately, those who wish that the resolutions be adopted in 2027 and Cameroon that stands on the third stage holding that the resolution will be good to be adopted in 2025 because they think that epidemics are no one’s friend and they do not wait.
However, the Minister thinks that the World Health Organization November conference will be an opportunity to delve deeper in the discussion of the topic. Though a lot of minds have lost faith on this illustrious organization the WHO since the outbreak of COVID-19, exchange of ideas in the convention for future pandemic will lead to underlining the import role that the organization plays. Nevertheless, the minister and his guest think that credibility should be given to the World Health Organization.
Following the effort for the fight against cancer that the government of Cameroon has put in place with the subvention of chemotherapy, it will be a good thing that the partnership convention between the two countries should take into consideration the good work that the government is doing towards the fight against cancer. Minister Manaouda indicates his readiness to facilitate the installation of Swiss pharmaceutical firms in Cameroon. The minister also précised that he will need the help of the Swiss for the training of personnel in view of the simulation centers that will soon be built in the Cameroon. This is aim at having competent health personnel that will give Cameroonians a better health care and a better wellbeing.